Sunday, February 17, 2019



         SEA-Teacher Project was established to provide one of a kind opportunity to many aspiring future educators from different South East Asia countries. This project gives pre-service student teachers chance to participate in an international teaching internship. It aims to develop the participating pre-service student teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and skills. Exposing them to actual teaching environment is one of the aims of this project. Another objective of this project is to hone the participants’  English speaking skills which will definitely benefit them in their future teaching career.

         Consequently, it gives the participants a broader world view of various things in life. It widens their horizon as an future educator and as an individual. Furthermore, it opens one’s mind to diverse culture of the country he or she will be residing. The participants will learn how to contemplate and appreciate the uniqueness of other person’s beliefs, ideologies, culture and traditions.


       Through the coordination between SEAMEO Secretariat and our International Affairs and Linkages Officer we were given a chance to participate in the SEA-TEACHER Project 2019 Batch 7.
       We were oriented that we’ll be deployed in Padang, Indonesia for a month to have our teaching internship there. With the partnership of our institution and Universitas Negeri Padang as the receiving institution, we were welcomed and well-accommodated throughout our one month stay in their lovely place. Pak Ananda and Miss Ari accompanied me in my assigned school where I will teach which was SMAN 10 Padang. In my assigned school link, my mentor informed me all the necessary things that I should do and prepare during my teaching practice.
          Here listed were the things my mentor tasked me to accomplished:
  1. Class Observation
  2. Teaching Assistant
  3. Teaching in Classroom
  4. Evaluation
  5. Reflection


        With the one month teaching internship in Padang, Indonesia, I have learned various things which significantly opened my eyes to broader view of the world. First, I can confidently say that my pedagogical skills have improved. My philosophies in teaching and techniques in managing the classroom were then put into test. I have applied all my learnings from past semesters into an actual teaching field. Also, I have gained new teaching strategies and approaches which I can surely use in my future teaching career. Furthermore, I learned the differences of educational system between my country and Indonesia’s kind of education.
       My English speaking skills were then improved due to the fact that it served as the bridge of communication between me and other Indonesians. In the classroom,  we used English language as medium of instruction. With that, my English speaking skills were then practiced and improved. I have also learned Bahasa words which really helped me during my stay in Padang where most people use Bahasa in communicating.
      Lastly, I had an opportunity to act critically in every teaching circumstances and addressed learning problem situations wisely. Significantly, with the exposure to different environment I learned to adapt with new things particularly with Indonesian culture and traditions. I have reflected that cultural appreciation is important for a person to manifest in order to have a worthwhile journey in a foreign land.


        During my teaching internship, I had a minor challenge in going to my assigned school. The dormitory where we stayed is quite far from the SMAN 10 Padang which I am problematic about. With that challenge that I have encountered, I told myself that I really must wake up early to come to school early. From then on, waking up at 4:30 am had been my routine until our last day in Padang.
        In terms of teaching, sometimes I encounter challenges in communicating with some of my students. Most of them are good in speaking English language although there are few who cannot speak fluently but can comprehend what I am saying. So, when I am explaining an important yet difficult science concepts I tried speaking slowly than usual to consider some of my students who are still adjusting with our medium of instruction. According to my coordinating teacher, they normally utilize Bahasa as their medium of instruction so I can understand the challenge of language barrier. I addressed the challenge of language barrier by also letting students use Bahasa in explaining. When someone explained in Bahasa it was an agreed rule that one student should explain in English in return.


         For more effective instruction, the topics to be taught during the teaching internship should be given beforehand. In order for qualified participants to prepare his or her needed instructional materials. With the mentoring, it would be easier for the participants if the assigned coordinating teacher and mentor are well-acquainted with the due phasing of the practicum and put emphasis on monitoring the Pre-service student teachers.



        Before class discussion, I prepared all the needed multimedia tools throughout the class discussion. For the lesson plan, I submitted the one I have translated from Bahasa to  English and also a lesson plan in a Philippine format which is called DLL (Daily Lesson Log).

         For the lesson proper, I started the class by letting the students pray first. I greeted them cheerfully to set their mood and to have positive outlook towards learning.  I checked then the class absence record and made a roll call on their names. We had a short class recitation during the review of the previous lesson.  I applied Whole Brain Teaching Approach that ensures the student’s maximum engagement. At first, I told them the basic rules then slowly they reminded themselves and started to respond in every clues and word signals I gave.

         I grouped the students into several groups and established a pointing system. They were eager to gain points that’s why they were all participative throughout the discussion of the concept. With the remaining time, I gave each group learning worksheet and let them answer it for 45 minutes. Presentation was conducted to elicit group’s collaborative work.  I didn’t give them a short quiz because their answered worksheets already served as their assessment.


First group to present their learning worksheet.

       During my first teaching, I handled Grade X-MIPA 7 which is composed of 34 students. In this section, we have 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete the class discussion. To manage my time, I planned the learning activities that I will give them beforehand. I have a timeline for the time framing of student’s activities.

         I have allotted 30 minutes for the routinary activities like prayer, greetings, checking of attendance and review of the previous concept. And for the discussion of concepts I have allocated 45 minutes because the information must be retained in the student’s mind through several recitations.

         On the assessment part, I allotted 45 minutes for students to brainstorm and collaborate with their group mates to answer the learning worksheet. For the group presentation, I gave them 15 minutes to summarize their worksheet.


        During my actual teaching, I have noticed that students had a hard time comprehending some of the concepts. While we were discussing the reproduction cycle of the fern plant, some of the students were just seating passively and just nodding their heads whenever I asked them if they understood the topic. With that kind of off-task behavior of the students, I tried to give emphasis on getting the student’s attention by strengthening the Whole Brain Teaching approach. Aside from that, I also directed the discussion on the presented visual diagram of the cycle so they will easily understand it. I have observed that they comprehensively grasp the content if there are visual presentations or graphics that appear together with the content.
        On my next class,  I continued the routine that I have tried in the first section. However, there was another difficulty that challenged me and my students.  Every section has  varying class time frame. With the section that I have handled, we only have 1 hour and 30 minutes to execute the topic. Under time constraint, I increased the phasing of some learning activities like the answering the worksheet. We double our time during the discussion of the concepts and allotted more time in the assessment.
       With these minor difficulties that I have encountered, I can affirm that a teacher would be should be excellent in making wise and practical decisions that will not hinder the teaching-learning process.


         In ensuring that the class is well managed, I used the Whole Brain Teaching Approach which increased the attention and interests of the students. With the approach that I have used I was able to demonstrate the classroom habit that I wanted them to practice. One example is raising their right hand if they want to recite and another is standing straightly when reciting.

         We also agreed to have an EOP (English Only Policy) during our class discussion although I let them speak in Bahasa when I find it difficult for them to speak English language fluently. I always see to it that all of my students will feel comfortable to express their ideas in any language they can because I know some of my students are still on progress of developing their English speaking skills. However, I want them to be acquainted with  some of English vocabulary words as well as practice their English speaking skills.

        I grouped them into five so they will have positive social interaction with their classmates and also for them to have fun  while learning. Whenever the students got the correct answer during recitation, I give them tangible awards like “Excellent” ribbons and also verbal praises to to keep them motivated and to elevate their self-esteem.



Bilingual Science Text Book

       The curriculum that most of the school institutions use is the Curriculum 2013. In SMAN 10, they also utilize this kind of curriculum because it promotes student-centered learning where teachers are only facilitator instead of source of learning just like in traditional learning environment. In this curriculum it encourages students to be more active and develop their 21st century skills to live up in global borderless education. 

           Their curriculum also contains the three domains of learning which are the cognitive, psycho motor and affective aspect. This curriculum is highly utilized in making teaching plan as they based their learning competencies and procedures in the governing general curriculum. Therein the teaching plan are the learning activities, procedures, resources, assessment and rubrics.
           My cooperating teacher gave me a copy of subject syllabus but I still translated it to English so I can fully understand it. The syllabus is prepared for the whole academic year and all the topics are reflected there. The learning procedures, materials, student's task, and timeline can be seen that truly showed the completeness of the syllabus. According to my cooperating teacher, she used the curriculum guide in making her teaching plan.


Education units
SMAN 10 Padang
  School year             :    2018/2019


1.  to live and practice the teachings of their religion

2.  live and the practice of honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (gotong royong, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive and demonstrate behaviors as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment as well as in putting themselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world.

3.  Understand, applying, analyzing the factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based flavor ingintahunya about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with insights into humanity, nation, state, and civilization-related phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the field of study that is specific to talents and interests to solve the problem.

4.  Processing, reasoning, and menyaji in the realm of the concrete and the abstract realm associated with the development of learned in school independently, and able to use the method according to the rules of science.


         In teaching it is a must for teachers to have teaching plan so there will be a guide in the teaching and learning process. For preparing my teaching plan, I inquired my cooperating teacher of what format should I use in making it. She said that it would be better to make a teaching plan to what I am used to. Although she said that, I still pursued to translate her prepared teaching plan about Pteridophyta. I decided to translate it so I can have an idea on how she plan for her teaching. In my prepared Philippine-format lesson plan, I used Daily Lesson Log where I put content standards based on the learning competencies written in my cooperating teacher's teaching plan so it'll still be directed to their curriculum. 

     In the DLL that I have prepared, the categories like objectives, content, learning resources, and procedures can be seen. Each category has supporting sub-category to systematically form the teaching plan. Also, in the learning procedure the 7E's were reflected to individually assess the fulfillment of the set objectives.

       For my instructional material I decided to use real sample of the plants to be discussed. When dealing with Kingdom Plantae, it would be better to use real plants because aside from being readily available it also ensures that the context of learning is just within students understanding. In preparing for teaching plan I referred to the Biology syllabus that Bu Nini prepared so that our discussion is still on track with the structured subject framework of SMAN 10.



Grade Level



Learning Area
Teaching Date and Time
NOV 23, 2018 (FRI)
8:30-9:30 (MWTHF)
2nd SEM

A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrates understanding of the morphology and
metagenesis of Pteridophyta scientifically and critically in drawing inferences, making observations and experiments in the classroom/ laboratory and outside the classroom.
B. Performance Standards
The learners present data on the morphology and role of plants in various aspects of life in the form of written reports.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
The students should be able to:
1.      Characterize the morphology of Pteridophyta.
2.      Classify the different divisions of Pteridophyta.
3.      Illustrate the process of metagenesis.
4.      Site roles of ferns in other living things.
Pteridophyta (Ferns)

    A. References

1.    Teacher’s Guide Pages
Biology 1 for Senior High School Year X
(Bilingual based on KTSP 2006) Pages 160-161
2.    Learner’s Materials
Worksheets, Pictures, Modules
3.    Textbook Pages

4.    Additional Materials from LR
PowerPoint Presentation, Learning Video Clips
   B. Other Learning Resources

A.    ELICIT (Access prior knowledge)
Review the five kingdoms of Eukaryotic domain. Establish an activity related to the topic to assess prior knowledge of students. (5 minutes)
B.    ENGAGE (Get the student’s mind to get focused on the topic)
Present pictures of the Pteridophyta phylum. Let them identify the different parts of Pteridophyta and its complementing functions.
C.    EXPLORE (Provide students with common experience)
Let students classify different divisions of Phylum Pteridophyta.
D.   EXPLAIN (Teach the concept)
After classifying the divisions of Phylum Pteridophyta, play a learning video clip of Pteridophyta life cycle. Let the students explain the difference between sporophyte and gametophyte generation.
E.    ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned)
With the student’s learnings, provide an activity titled “Complete the sentence”.
F.    EVALUATE (How well know the students have learned the concepts)
Provide the students worksheets on Pteridophyta.
G.   EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new content
Let each group leader summarizes the graphic organizer that they have classified during the discussion.


Grade Level



Learning Area
Teaching Date and Time
JAN. 31, 2018
2nd   SEM

A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrates understanding of
1. The fundamental parts and functions of seeds and flowering plants.
3. The alternation generation of Spermatophyta.

B. Performance Standards
The learners present data on the morphology and role of plants in various aspects of life in the form of written reports.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
The students should be able to:

1.      Characterize the morphology of Spermatophyta.
2.      Classify the different divisions of Spermatophyta.
3.      Illustrate the metagenesis of Spermatophyta.
4.      Construct an essay on the importance of plants in ecosystem.
Kingdom Plantae : Spermatophyta (Seeded Plants)

    A. References

1.    Teacher’s Guide Pages
Biology 1 for Senior High School Year X
(Bilingual based on KTSP 2006) Pages 160-161
2.    Learner’s Materials
Worksheets, Pictures, Modules
3.    Textbook Pages

4.    Additional Materials from LR
PowerPoint Presentation, Learning Video Clips

   B. Other Learning Resources
Board, Internet Resources

A.    ELICIT (Access prior knowledge)
·         Establish an activity related to the new topic to assess prior knowledge of students. (5 minutes)

Show unlabelled diagram of seed and a flower and ask the students these following questions:

a. Do you know the basic parts of a seed?
b. How about a flower?
c. Are there similarities in their structure?

B.    ENGAGE (Get the student’s mind to get focused on the topic)
Ask the students
a. Have you ever seen a seed?
b. Do you know how a seed turns into a tree or a full-grown plant?

Present the basic parts of the flower and seeds. Let them identify the different parts and its corresponding functions.
C.    EXPLORE (Provide students with common experience)
Giving of instructions and rubric to be used in rating student’s activity and other classifications.

Suggested rubrics will be as follows:

Time Management
1 point
1 point
2 points
Science Output
2 points
4 points
10 points

Distribution of worksheet (see attached worksheet)
·         Students will be working in pairs.

D.   EXPLAIN (Teach the concept)
1. Presentation of output.
2. Discussion

E.    ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned)
Probe clarifications in student’s output.

Enhance the discussion by:
·         Presenting a learning video clip on the metagenesis of angiosperm and gymnosperm.
F.    EVALUATE (How well know the students have learned the concepts)
For assessment, provide a worksheet for students generalizing the 3 phyla of Kingdom Plantae.
G.   EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new content
To strengthen the student’s understanding and appreciation of the scientific concepts, ask the students of the importance of plants in our lives as well as in our ecosystem.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lessons.

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my cooperating teachers can help solve?