Thursday, January 17, 2019

First Teaching in Grade X-MIPA 7

Day 11 (Thursday, January 17, 2019)

Video clip about reproduction of Fern plant

       Today, I had my first teaching demonstration in Grade X-MIPA 7 class. Last night, I prepared my PowerPoint slide presentation about the class Pteridophyta. In the slide presentation that I have prepared I included the characteristics, classifications, and reproduction of class Pteridophyta. Based on what I have observed during Bu Nini’s discussion, the students had a hard time understanding some of the difficult concepts like a natural life cycle. And so, I added some video clips of the reproduction of Ferns so they will easily get the process. For the discussion of the characteristics of ferns, I let them examine a fern plant and tasked them to describe it. I believe that students will quickly get the ideas if they can relate to the topic and the instructional material is realistic. In Biology, it is highly recommended to use live objects which students have schema of and encountered it in their everyday living. That’s why I tried to use a real fern plant that served as my instructional material. For the reinforcement of knowledge, I created a pointing system where each group will gain points in every correct answer they have recited. Students were actively participating during the class discussion. I used Whole Brain Teaching approach to facilitate learning and to manage the classroom effectively. After the discussing the concept, I gave each group a learning worksheet and let them answer it for 45 minutes. Right after they finished their task, we proceeded to the presentation of each group. Most of the group got the correct answer to each item. To further assess their learning, I asked some critical questions but still related to the topic. They were able to answer it correctly and so with that we ended the class discussion with our good byes.

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