Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday: School Day

Day 15 (Monday, January 21, 2019)

My diligent students working hard to finish their task.

        For this day, I woke up early because I need to print my student's worksheet. The topic was still about Pteridophyta (Fern Plant) and I added some visual aids for students to picture out more the process of fern plant reproduction. It was because on the previous section some of them did not get at once so with that dilemma I tried to add more visual presentation of the process. Although, the first section that I have taught were really fast-learners. They easily picked up the information that they have learned during our discussion. Most of them were eagerly raising their hands to answer. And there was this time when one student cannot answer my question, one student raised her hand and volunteered to help her classmate. I was so glad to know that they want to help their classmates who are in need. It really shows their good attitude and how they value friendship. With that scenario, I was even more motivated to impart my knowledge and help each one of them to love learning.

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