Saturday, January 5, 2019

My Humble Beginnings 😊

-A dose of realization-

As I look at this picturesque view of Padang, I realized that life is not about getting that dream job you've been wanting to since you were a child. Life should be more than that. It is about the ups and downs you have encountered and still gratefully confronts life with wise mind and determined heart. Life is an adventure. Dare to move, take chances and make mistakes because that is when you'll learn the true meaning of life.

Knock! Knock! Knock! 
There goes SEAMEO that knocked on my life door and brought a rare opportunity
 to an aspirant teacher in the making.

 Guess what I think of first? I'm scared to ride a plane but then my mind said "Do things that you're scared to do. Screw your fears, because many of us die with dimmed journey so take your life and make it the best story in the world. DON'T. WASTE.GOD-GIVEN.CHANCES."

Yes, SEAMEO, I accept the challenge!

Let me share with you my teaching journey in the wonderful Padang, Indonesia. Ready?

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