Tuesday, January 15, 2019

First Class Observation

Day 9 (Tuesday, January 15, 2019)

Tuesday morning in SMAN 10

        This day I went to SMAN 10 to observe the class. It is not yet my time to teach so I was able to conduct my observation while Bu Nini taught the Grade X students. I outlines her teaching procedures which started from prayer then greetings. After that, she introduced the new topic and gave some important concepts on it. She used Bahasa as medium of instruction. I have noticed that students are very silent and passively sitting in their seats. Bu Nini used the lecture-method of teaching and students recites whenever she asked question. Also, when students recited, they do not usually get up from their seats, they were  just sitting then answer the teacher’s query. In Philippines when students want to recite they need to raise their hand and stand straight in front of the class. Most of the time Bu Nini was the one who spoke during the discussion of the difficult concepts and it is because students were absorbing the things she was saying. Some of them were jotting down the important ideas that Bu Nini has mentioned. Another good thing in Bu Nini’s class discussion was she gave ample time for students to copy what is written in her presentation. I believe it is also a way of letting the students rest and absorb the information. After the discussion, Bu Nini gave the students a short quiz about the topic. The class ended with a good by and Bu Nini told me that we will proceed to the next class.

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